A volcano is mountain which have formed by the eruption of material from the earth's interior through a central opening or groups of opening. Volcanoses has scattered over the world. Volcanoses could divided inti three caegories based on volcano form and type of volcanic activity. They are shield, composite, and explosion volcanoes. A shield volcano have builded chiefly of loyers of basalt (a dark, heavy lava). A few shield volcanoes have composed) of andesite (related, less dense type of lava). A composite volcano have more frequent and violent explosive aruptions than shield volcanoes do. Lava have may excruded from either central crater of fissures on a volcano's sides. Explosion volcanoes has composed of incline loyers of pyroclastic debris and contain no lava. During an eruption debris have eject from the crater most explosion volcanoes has builded during one period of eruption